Saturday 24 February 2018

Moon Landing

                          Was Moon Landing a Hoax?

Our Universe has been filled with lots of activities and the person keeps trying to find out the activities coming out of the Universe to calm their curiosity. In 1969, NASA sent its first space shuttle on Moon. The expenditure coming out of this event,  cost $ 30 billion which  is equal to 150 billion today. But will you believe that this mission of going to the moon can be a fantasy?

From time to time, the Conspiracy Theory claims that NASA's Apollo mission was just a fantasy and Neil Armstrong and his team never went to the moon. Some facts are such that they claim that these missions were a hoax.So lets see what are those facts.

                                                              The Waving Flag

When Neil Armstrong kept the first step on the moon, he flagged America's flag on the surface of the moon. Then the flag  was waving, but the moon did not have air, so how can he wave? Some theorist believe that all these shoots are shot on a movie studio location.On the other hand  NASA says that the flag was placed in a vacuum tube and when the flag was turned out, due to low pressure the flag started flowing.

                                                           The Sunlight Problem

The pictures taken after landing on the moon of Apollo missions show a controversial thing. The things that appear in these photos and the shadow of human beings appear to spread in different directions. Conspiracy Theorist says that the moon has only one light of source i.e Sun and if these photos are taken in sunlight then why do all the things that spread  in a different direction? On this point, NASA says that the surface of the moon is so rough due to which it occurred.

                                              Slow motion Cameras and hidden cables 

The moon Gravity is much less than Earth's Gravity. The theorist believed that NASA has used Hidden Camera and Cables for slow motion in its video. Many movie directors believe that this kind of effect can be created by the use of Hidden Camera S & Cables.

                                                                     The C Rock

It was the most controversial photo of that landing, in which there is a letter C on a stone. It proves that someone has used  this stone as the props are kept in a movie, but NASA has said that someone have got to interfere with these photos, but it is possible that someone can do anything with NASA's super confidential data.

                                                 Lack of Stars 
If you look in the sky, then what will you see? We all know the stars.No matter how much pollution, we see the stars visible even in the night. But the moon neither have cloud nor the pollution still the stars are not visible. According to conspiracy theorist, if the stars were seen in the photo, they could know that these photos are real or fake, because the activities in the moon can be traced to the position of stars.But NASA doesn't have to talk about this.
But when this was asked to Neil Armstrong, he said that he did not remember anything.

                                                                      Missing Crater 

As everyone knows that the space shuttle is quite powerful and when it landed, it creates pits on it and some part of the ground gets burnt, it is called a Crater. But space shuttle sent by NASA doesn't create the crater. Do not see the crater, creates questions on Moon landing.

It clears from some of these facts that Moon landing was just a hoax and nothing else, but the truth is still not known.


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