Scariest Mystery of Vampires
There are many types of people in the world, some of which are realistic, some are imaginary, but there are some species that can neither be called realistic nor hypothetical. These people are so mysterious that nobody has complete knowledge about them. The name of such a species is the Vampires: These people are neither the whole human nor the animals nor the survivors nor are they dead.
According to the documents found in history, Vampires are those species which basically are the dead people, but they wake up on a particular day. After waking up, these people like to drink blood of humans or any animal to calm their hunger and then go back to sleep in their graves before sunrise.
There are many such incidents in history that indicate the presence of the vampires, but according to science their is no existence of Vampire, because according to science, it is not possible for a person to be alive again after death. So let us read some stories that point to Vampire's existence.
Peter The blood sucker
Three days after his death, Peter came to his 10-year-old son and asked him to eat something. His son gave him food and after eating food he went back and came back again the next day, this time his son refused to give him food and the next day his son was found dead. It was known that there was no drop of blood in his body. Looking at that baby's neck, it seemed as if someone had scratched his neck badly. Similar deaths continued for 9 consecutive days and the villagers was so much feared that they decided to seek the help of Vampires Hunter.
When these Vampire Hunters examined all the 10 deaths and their dead bodies, they found that the cause of all these deaths is vampires. When they open peter grave there were surprised. The dead body of Peter was still fresh and his clothes were still wet with blood and in his mouth there was a bird's wings. The vampire hunter then handed over the peter body to the fire and his ashes were buried in front of a nearby church so that Peter's vampire did not wake up again and after that Peter was never seen again.
Elizabeth Bathory
Elizabeth Bathory was also known as Blood Countess. She is considered to be one of the few most cruel women in history, Many people believe that Elizabeth was a living vampire and she kill people very cruelly. She used new ways to kill people.
Elizabeth slaughtered 10 to 14 year old girls and washed with their blood. She believed that she maintained her beauty with the blood of 10 to 14 years old girls.
Bothered by Elizabeth's cruelty, the other officials captured her and sent her in the prison.
And when Coffin was opened to bury her body, her body had disappeared from that coffin and the mystery of disappearance body has not been solved yet.
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