Monday, 16 April 2018


                      Scariest Mystery of Vampires

There are many types of people in the world, some of which are realistic, some are imaginary, but there are some species that can neither be called realistic nor hypothetical. These people are so mysterious that nobody has complete knowledge about them. The name of such a species is the Vampires: These people are neither the whole human nor the animals nor the survivors nor are they dead.
Vamp The scariest truth
According to the documents found in history, Vampires are those species which basically are the dead people, but they wake up on a particular day. After waking up, these people like to drink blood of humans or any animal to calm their hunger and then go back to sleep in their graves before sunrise.

There are many such incidents in history that indicate the presence of the vampires, but according to science their is no existence of Vampire, because according to science, it is not possible for a person to be alive again after death. So let us read some stories that point to Vampire's existence.

                                                  Peter The blood sucker

In the year 1700 Vampires and the events connected with them were very popular and 1700-1730 is considered as the time of Dracula. In those days, people were afraid of taking the name of Vampires on places like Europe and England. In 1725, a farmer whose name was Peter died, but after a few days of his death, something happened that shocked the people.

Three days after his death, Peter came to his 10-year-old son and asked him to eat something. His son gave him food and after eating food he went back and came back again the next day, this time his son refused to give him food and the next day his son was found dead. It was known that there was no drop of blood in his body. Looking at that baby's neck, it seemed as if someone had scratched his neck badly. Similar deaths continued for 9 consecutive days and the villagers was so much feared that they decided to seek the help of Vampires Hunter.

When these Vampire Hunters examined all the 10 deaths and their dead bodies, they found that the cause of all these deaths is vampires. When they open peter grave there were surprised. The dead body of Peter was still fresh and his clothes were still wet with blood and in his mouth there was a bird's wings. The vampire hunter then handed over the peter body to the fire and his ashes were buried in front of a nearby church so that Peter's vampire did not wake up again and after that Peter was never seen again.

                                                            Elizabeth Bathory

Elizabeth Bathory was also known as Blood Countess. She is considered to be one of the few most cruel women in history, Many people believe that Elizabeth was a living vampire and she kill people very cruelly. She used new ways to kill people.

Elizabeth slaughtered 10 to 14 year old girls and washed with their blood. She believed that she maintained her beauty with the blood of 10 to 14 years old girls.
Bothered by Elizabeth's cruelty, the other officials captured her and sent her in the prison.
Elizabeth bethroy

One night in 1614 Elizabeth complained to the jail guard that she felt very incitement in her body, but the watchman ignored all the statements of Elizabeth and her body was found dead on the next day.
And when Coffin was opened to bury her body, her body had disappeared from that coffin and the mystery of  disappearance body has not been solved yet.

Bermuda Triangle Facts

                              Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle is part of the North Atlantic Ocean, also called Devil's Triangle. This is the place from which many of the aircraft and the ships had disappeared.
Bermuda Triangle is spread over 13 lakh square meters of sea, although it is difficult to estimated the starting and end point of the triangle. Bermuda Triangle is the place where compass do not work properly due to magnetic disturbance.
Bermuda Triangle
Experts believe that aircraft and ships disappear in Bermuda triangle due to not working properly of compass. The people passing through here say that they see the tunnel of a cloud under which the radar of the aircraft stops working. After straining inside the Bermuda Triangle, contact with the outside world is broken. The scientist called him Electronic fog.

These are the fogs that arise from the ocean and take the form of tornado, while reaching to the sky.
Whenever an aircraft or ship passes through the Bermuda Triangle, it does not return even no plane or ship wreck was found and many books and movies about Bermuda Triangle have also been made.


                               Mystery behind Bermuda Triangle

American scientists have claimed that for the accidents in Bermuda Triangle a storm of 273 hours per hour is the biggest reason.
This new type of storm is being called Air bomb. According to the scientists, hexagonal clouds present on the Bermuda Triangle make such pressure that the winds begin to run at 273 hours per hour, and it produce a power of destructive bomb in air. The speed of this Air bomb can be estimated from the fact that due to this, the waves of the ocean begin to rise up to 45 feet high.

These hexagonal clouds are a huge pattern of cloud, which resemble clouds found on Saturn's pole.
These clouds on the Bermuda Triangle stretch from 32 km to 88 km.

Over the last 100 years, due to the Bermuda Triangle, nearly 1000 people have died. Between 1945 to 1965, 8 aircraft in the Bermuda Triangle had disappeared secretly. On 1 October 2015 a ship wreck found in a depth of 15000 kilometers from the surface of the sea.
Ship wreck

 Even today, on average 4 aircraft and 20 ships disappear every year in Bermuda triangle.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

200 Demons House Mystery

                  Mystery behind 200 demons house

Many people believe that there is no existence of ghosts, but there are some people who believe in them and some people believe that they have seen such incidents and also today's science does not know much about it.
So today we will discuss about such incidence.

In Nov 2011, a woman named Latoya Ammons came to live with her three children in a rental house located in Carolina Street. Latoya did not like this home from the very beginning, but the condition of the family was not good, so they decided to stay in this house.
After few days Paranormal incidents took place and have brought a storm in the life of Latoya and her family. In 2011, the first incident of paranormal activity was encountered when Big Black Flies attacked Latoya's house.

Millions of Big Black Flies came together in their house. The surprise thing was that in the cold of December these flies are almost impossible to meet because these flies go to some hot place in winter. She also told that she heard the voice of someone walking in the stairs built in the basement of the house and she blocked the path leading up to the basement and still those voice came.

Demons House

One night, Latoya's mother saw a man's shadow, when she tried to follow this shadow, she found nothing except shoes mark, and after this incident, the fear of Latoya's family turned into a belief, and they became convinced that in his house some demonic soul are present.
One night, Latoya and his mother heard the voice of someone shouting from their daughter's room and when both of them reached the room, they saw Latoya's 12-year-old daughter was hanged in the air, seeing this Latoya and her mother scared badly.

After a while, when the child sensed, she did not remember anything, then Latoya decided to seek help from someone. She told her story to a priest of nearby church but priest refused to help her. Although the priest told her that the house they are living in has not 1-2 but more than 200 souls are present, and listening to this, Latoya shocked.

The priest said that she would evacuate that house as soon as possible, but Latoya could not do such because she was not in good condition. After a few days, the souls entered the body of Latoya's children. When this happens the voices of those children became heavy and a scary smile appeared in their face. Because of these souls, the condition of children became so bad that many times they had to take to the hospital.
Latoya House
Latoya's 9-year old son once started walking up on the hospital's wall, and the staff of the hospital was scared after seeing all this. Everyone was convinced that they had possessed. After this incident, Hospital, Police and Church decided to help Latoya and his family

The priest performed the Exorcism at Latoya's house and after some time to exorcism, the priest health started getting worse.

Exorcism done at Latoya's House
Slowly slowly Latoya was relieved of these 200 souls, but she was troubled by the memories associated with this house, and then Latoya and his family shifted to another house allotted by Government and after 6 months that 200 demons house was demolished by Government. 

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

What is Black Hole

                                     The Black Hole

Black Hole itself is a name that has absorbed a lot of mystery in it, so today we will discuss about Black Hole.

The man who had first published his views about the black hole in front of the world, was Professor John Michell (1724-1793), who was a professor at University of Cambridge had given his thoughts about black holes in 1783. After him in 1796, a scientist from France Pierre Simon (1749-1827) has explained the black hole in his book "The system of the world".

Black hole is that body in the Universe whose gravitational power is so much that even light can not be passed across it and if any thing coming near it, black holes swallows that thing. Not only this, the closer the thing passes to the black hole, the effect of  time also diminishes and there is no existence of time within the black hole circle.

                                                      How Black hole was made  
Black hole creation
Black holes are an extremely dense object. In the universe, if we shorten any object by compressing it, then it mass and density will increase its gravitational force so much that even light cannot passed through it and that thing is called black hole. If the density of our earth increases too much and by simply compressing the whole earth to 1.5 cm, its gravity will increase and it will also become a black hole.

 Similarly if we shorten sun by compressing it, it will also become a black hole, but remember that the density is very important in comparison to the mass in the black hole, and the earth and the Sun are not shrinking in this way, because neither the earth nor the gravitational forces of the sun are so

But if a star hundreds of times bigger than our Sun, whose mass and density are very high, become a black hole with these properties, and most of the black holes are made of such stars.

The Stars are born by the clouds of galvanized dust and gas particles present in the galaxy and these clouds made of gas are called Nebula (A nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases) and when percentage of density increases in the Nebula, then this cloud starts to be compressed automatically and the heat inside it so high that the molecules of hydrogen and helium collide with each other and make a round shape and in this way stars created.

But in the process, many millions of years have passed. Our Sun was also created like this and when the hydrogen dies in the stars, the star starts to cool down slowly.

Now, the stars that have ended their own fuel, can not keep themselves stable against their own gravity, and an explosion inside such stars occurred , which is called Supernova.
Supernova star formation
"A supernova is a transient astronomical event that occurs during the last stellar evolutionary stages of a massive star's life, whose destruction is marked by a final titanic explosion. This causes the sudden appearance of a "new" bright star, before slowly fading from sight over several weeks or months".

After this explosion, if any part of that star remains which is very dense, then it becomes a highly dense Neutron star. Due to the immense gravity pull on such stars, the star starts to be compressed and compresses up to a limit and becomes a black hole.

The entire mass of a black hole is centered in a small point called the Central Singularity Point. The circular boundaries around this point are called Event Horizons. Any object falling in the black hole divides into molecules and due to its high density, they move to a place which has not been found yet.

                                                  Types of Black Hole 

There are many types of black holes in the universe:

Such stars whose mass is few times greater than our sun, and become black hole due to shrinkage, it is called Stellar Mass Black Holes.

The black hole that is built in the centre of the galaxy and whose density is immense and which are very vast are called Super Massive Black Holes. Mass of  such black holes have millions of times more than our sun. There is a Super massive black hole in the middle of our Milky Way Galaxy, which is 10 million times more than our Sun.

There are also black holes in which the mass is less than our Sun, it is called Primordial or Small black hole. According to Stephen Hawking, we can learn about the origin of the universe by studying such a black hole.

Black holes are actually no holes, they are mere remains of a dead star. After passing crores of years, a star is ending and is born as a black hole.
All stars do not become black holes. Some black holes can also pull the entire Galaxy up towards him. Black hole does not pull the object outside its gravitational force. About Black hole, it was said from the time of Michell but the first black hole coming in front of the world was Cygnus X 1 and it was confirmed in 1972.

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